Job hunt... Scan... Job hunt... Scan...

Still here in my new homeland of New Hampshire, where looking for a job has become my job. It has never been more evident to me that times are tough, than it is right now. I spent the last 15+ years refining my skills in a craft that has gone the way of the buffalo. Looking for a job in the photo-imaging industry, especially in Southern, NH, is like looking for your car keys in the refrigerator... you know they're not there... but you look anyway. 

I've started looking for jobs related to my experience before becoming obsessed with darkrooms, scanners, inkjet printers and such but... it's been years since I've driven a forklift or managed a supermarket. I don't think prospective employers are making it that far down my resume, so... the quest continues. 

I spend countless hours per day staring at my computer, weeding through online job boards until my eyes pop out. In between, to break up the madness, I sneak in scans on my Nikon 9000. I'm at least having fun using my skills to work on my own stuff and seeing images that have never been viewed in any form other than a negative.

Here's a few I did today from a VW junkyard... 

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