I did it...

For just over 18 years I've been eligible to vote in this great country of ours, and for just over 18 years I've chosen to slip under the radar and remain a non-participating member of society in the whole political scheme of things. With that in mind, I've had to do my best to bite my lip whenever I've had complaints about the way things are going around here and there's been a few slips that I never had the right to let happen.

Well... all that has changed my friends. With the current state of "the way things are going around here" and the constant barrage of loving harassment from my dearest friends and fellow Americans, I've officially stepped into the ring. A couple of weeks ago I sent in my voter registration card and received my absentee ballot several days later. I did my research where I could, listened to my friends (whom I trust the most,) filled in the bubbles and made myself count!

Another reason I was moved to vote was the overwhelming push, to do so, in the Art and Music communities. With many of my friends being artists and musicians and the fact that I am a concert photographer, put me in places where I was constantly exposed to the need to vote in this election. I can't tell you how many great paintings and silk screens of Obama's face I've seen in recent months. And... with folks like Head Count and Rock the Vote at concerts and on music websites I check out, I finally came to the realization that it was time to do my part AND... except the fact that, yes... I just may get called for jury duty! Maybe I'll still try to weasel my way outta that one?

Obama art I've come across, made by people creating-for-change...

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