Boyle Heights...

I took a day long road trip with my friend, Gail Pine, who lead to me the East LA neighborhood of, Boyle Heights. I took my Mamiya 645M along and spent some color and BW rolls of film on it. I fear the end of some of my favorite films and want to get my fix before I no longer can.

If you are into murals, hand painted signage, fonts, lettering, etc. etc., Boyle Heights will surely inspire and over-stimulate. To learn some history about the area, go here. With that out of the way, enjoy a few of the pics I took while I was there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dude....
Nice work. Who knew we had such a colorful pocket of L.A. from which to gather great shots. Your images Rock!
And, hey, I hear there's a great place to eat down in East L.A. called El Tepeyac Cafe... Huge burritos. Lots of history...